A lot of problems people get into when they finish a game is the “Okay, now what?” replay-ability question. While games nowadays tend to have New Game + and difficulty modes to keep you going, Diablo III did something different. Heard of Season play? Let’s get into it.
Now, this is essentially for folks who have played Blizzard’s Diablo III already and don’t really need a refresher for the campaign. If you haven’t had a chance to do that, well, you should! Diablo III is a game that has been out for years but it doesn’t even matter — it’s still as fun today as it was when it came out, if not more so. So, let’s get into what Season Play is all about and we’ll even dip into Adventure Mode a bit to help you get an idea.

This is what to expect, friend. It’s going to get real. (Blizzard)
What IS Season Play?
So, Season has you start a brand new character from scratch that will only be used for that season’s campaign. Now, what this means is that you’re legit starting from level one and will have to continuously take on challenges and even grind to get to levels needed to finish them. The point of this is to obtain set pieces that you can only get in Season Play that become part of your collection. It means a fresh take on your loot hunting and for some, that’s reward enough.
Okay, But Is It Different?
It is! Because you’re not bound to campaign, you can essentially kill two birds with one stone and take part in Adventure Mode (MORE LOOT!?) while also doing your Seasonal challenges. Grinding out levels by doing the Adventure Mode bounties will gain you Horadric Stashes filled with all sorts of goodies, recipes for gear and more. All the while you’re getting this, you can check your Seasonal chapters and see what your next mission is. Sometimes it’s as simple as embedding a gem into your armor, sometimes you have to get to level 70 and take down Diablo on a harder difficulty. The challenges range wildly and can make even the most seasoned (no pun intended) player a bit huffy at times.

It’s not only gear that you get, but portraits and vanity items you can wear through your whole account! (Blizzard)
The Diablo is in the Details:
Season play is quite literally a season and while it started at the tail-end of January, it ends March 17th. Trust me, that’s plenty of time to get in there, put together your build and start going to town. The cool thing is that you can also bring friends in with you and run a dozen rifts together, get super overpowered and take on all of those wacky challenges as a team. Diablo III doesn’t tell you how to do Season play whatsoever and it is up to you how you wish to get from the beginning to the very, very beautiful end.

Look at each unique set of gear per class. How could you get bored?! (Blizzard)
So, there you have it. Season Play is open to anyone at any time as long as a season is going forward and you’re never locked away from it. Now, to up difficulties for chapters, you will need to get that character to the end-game level of 70 first, but if you’re running rifts and doing bounties — you’ll be there in no time. You can thank me when you get your fancy outfits and you’re showing off your butterfly wings to everyone in your party!