If you’re anything like me, you’ve watched the movie Elf for the fifth time in two weeks, you’ve already wrapped 75% of your holiday gifts, AND you had all of your decorations up the day after Thanksgiving.
Some call it obsessive, I call it a way of life.
I don’t know exactly what it is about this time of year that really warms my heart.
It could be the gallons of melted chocolate I’ve ingested. Or, the sheer excitement of watching my loved ones open the gifts I picked out especially for them. But… if I really had to put a reason on it, I’d say it’s gotta be the overall magic of the holidays that sets December apart from the other 11 pointless months we endure each year.
*Actual footage of me waiting for Christmas each year.*
For one month, (or two if you’re crazy like myself) we get to stop and pretend that everything is good in the world. AND eat our weight in sugar cookies… (and spaghetti.)
This year, if you’re looking for new ways to decorate your home for the holidays, we’ve got three tips and tricks that puts the geek in Geekmas!
DIY #1: Loot Pin Ornaments!
1. First, select your desired exclusive Loot Pins.
2. Remove the backing card and pin backing and set aside.
3. Cut 2.5-3 inches of thin holiday ribbon. (One ribbon for each pin.)
4. Gently fold the ribbon to create a semi-large hole, pinching at the overlapping bottoms.
5. Press pin into overlapped ribbon and secure backing.
6. Hang on your geek-ified tree!
DIY #2: Loot Decorations
- Select various Loot Crate items (the lighter in weight, the better.)
- Gently lay on tree branches and decorate as desired.
- Look at your geek-tastic tree!
DIY #3: Loot Topper
- Select desired Loot Crate box or item for tree topper. (The more creative the better!)
- Your geeky creation is compelte!