You know what they say about Fallout 4 trivia! It never changes. These questions are tough, so I hope you have some points in Luck and Intelligence. You’re gonna need it.
When you first exit Vault 111, how many years has it been?

How many vaults are accessible in the base game (including Vault 111)?

Which of the following is NOT a radio station in Fallout 4?

Which of these is NOT a type of feral ghoul?

What does the player receive after completing the main Brotherhood of Steel quest line?

Which one of these characters did not appear in any previous Fallout games?

What is the settlement in the center of The Glowing Sea called?

Who does Nick Valentine ask the player to help track down in his companion quest?

What version of the Pip-Boy does the player use in Fallout 4?

What S.P.E.C.I.A.L stat will boost the amount of XP earned?