January 15th, 2018Wubbalubbadubdub, Looters! Today we are making a vinyl clock inspired by the instantly recognizable "portal" from one of my favorite animated shows, Rick and Morty!
You may have seen these kind of clocks on Etsy and wondered how the heck they are made (I can't be the only one), and to my surprise it was a fairly easy task that even the...
December 13th, 2017He was no David Hasselhoff, but to me (and Peter Quill) he was way cooler than that; Mary Poppins cool, to be exact. So for this DIY project I thought we should pay tribute to one of my favorite freakin' Guardians of the Galaxy, Yondu Udonta!
I was surfing through Pinterest one day and came across a Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 movie...
November 30th, 2017Welcome to our latest chat with the folks behind the scenes that help make the magic happen here at Loot Crate!
So, our Community Team is kind of a big deal. Anybody that's been around Loot Crate for even a hot second knows that this team is incredible, and is so good at taking care of our Looters each and every day – and many of...
August 11th, 2017Lord of the Rings is unequivocally a cinematic masterpiece full of unforgettable characters, epic battle scenes and beautiful scenery. It truly submerged you into the wonderful world J.R.R. Tolkien created.
I recall falling in love with The Shire for its charming hobbits, lush green hills and of course, the stunning architecture....