January 20th, 2021
Got butterflies in your stomach? Celebrate pop culture’s LOVESICK heroes with collectibles and gear from Harley Quinn, Disney Villains, Shaun of the Dead, and Sixteen Candles! Plus, add on this month’s premium bonus item: a Megatron or Cobra Commander Figure!
Supplies are limited.
December 10th, 2018It's one thing if you've read some comics or seen some movies, but there's so much more to the villains of Gotham City. Thankfully, there's a wealth of amazing features that help us dig into the lore of Arkham's finest. Let's check out some favorites!
The Psychology of The Joker:
One of the most iconic actors to take on The Joker...
August 6th, 2018No matter where we go, #MAYHEM seems to follow! August’s Loot Crate is celebratin’ some of ‘ya favorite havoc-wreaking characters, like ME, Harley Quinn! Pleased to meetcha!
Just call me Harley! Everyone does!
I teamed up with Loot Crate to make a treat ALMOST as pretty as my Puddin’! Wheeeeee!
These Red Velvet...
May 17th, 2018The summer season is growing ever closer, and plenty of awesome titles are available from the most popular streaming services – sometimes, they even intersect with the franchises we feature!
We want to give you a round-up regularly of some of the best you can stream to compliment your loot when it arrives, so this month, be a little...
May 15th, 2018Batman's most adorable nemesis, Harley Quinn, is poppin' up in May's Loot Wear! With that knowledge, I thought I'd drop some more knowledge about this psychologist-turned-bad-girl in this week's Trivia! Let's see how much you know about Miss Quinzel...
1. Harley Quinn, despite being one of the most popular in the Rogues Gallery of...
May 9th, 2018Loot Wear is teaming up with female artists throughout geekdom to design and curate for our Loot for Her line. We're calling this program "For Her, By Her"! Each month we'll bring you a one on one with each artist we collaborated with, making unique apparel designed by talented women in the field.
This month we bring you star...
April 27th, 2018DC Superheroes tend to be a little more, I dunno, super than the average person. That doesn't mean that they don't have some real human moments too (even for the ones that are technically aliens - I'm looking at you, Superman). I've compiled ten examples of DC heroes (and some villains!) proving they can be just like...
February 20th, 2018Our March Loot Crate theme is PLAYBACK and it's a salute to the things we want to dive back into over and over and OVER again. Case in point, Loot Crate DX features one of my all-time favorites - Batman: The Animated Series! Want in on some Masked Crusader trivia?
1. A lot of folks noticed Dick Grayson, aka Robin, was a bit...
February 17th, 2017We’re rolling up our sleeves and getting hands on with this month’s Loot Crate theme: BUILD! To prepare you for some hands-on fun, we took to our social channels to review the Top Five Loot Crate Designs! That’s right, our little crates of geeky happiness often transform into something that’s more than meets the...
January 19th, 2017Sometimes it feels so good to be bad! Last August, we celebrated some of the baddest good guys (and gals) with our ANTI-HERO crate. With the release of Warner Bros. Pictures’ Suicide Squad film, we just HAD to feature Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel as the “Maid of Mischief”, also known as Harley Quinn.
Looters everywhere LOVED our...
January 3rd, 2017Every month, we send out surveys to Looters asking them to tell us what they think about our crates and all the cool stuff in ‘em. According to YOUR ratings, these 20 were the best of the best in 2016!:
X-Files T-Shirt - January "Invasion" (Loot Crate)
Deadpool Q-Fig - February "Dead" (Loot...