June 6th, 2019Father's Day is right around the corner, and as the resident Dad of the Daily Crate team, I figured it was my duty to put together another one of my patented "Best of" gaming lists! This time around, in honor of all you kick ass dads out there, I'm talking about the Best Dads in gaming!
Now, let me just say that these dads might not be...
April 23rd, 2019I know we're all really just scraping by until The Last of Us: Part II -- but it got me replaying The Last of Us pretty avidly. Naughty Dog's story about the end of life as we know it and the lengths we'd go to save the world had touched so many. Let's find out more about it!
1. Joel was actually named after Joel Coen of The Coen...
March 28th, 2019Back when gaming first started, it was a lot of coding, beeps and a lot of boops. With video games now an industry that rivals movies and television, in terms of artistry, there's a lot to cover. Let's start with Naughty Dog's incredible hit: The Last of Us.
We've talked about the 2013 PlayStation Exclusive before here but we haven't...
February 14th, 2019When I'm in the Valentine's Day spirit, I tend not to think about my favorite romantic comedies (My favorites being Crazy Stupid Love, Bull Durham, and Enough Said, by the way...), and instead I think fondly of all my favorite video game love stories!
Now, obviously I can't go into every single one of my favorite in-game romances, as...
January 24th, 2019I unwrapped the packaging for The Last of Us for the first time and sat down with one of my best friends to show him this new game before we left the house to meet friends. As the emotional prologue finished, he looked to me and said: "Why don't you just play a little bit more?"
Two days, and 12 hours later of gameplay later, we sat in...
January 14th, 2019Warning: This video isn't for those who haven't played Naughty Dog's triumph The Last of Us! Okay, now that we got that out of the way, Luke Stephens on YouTube put together a love letter of a piece to discuss why the hit game, whose sequel we're still breathlessly awaiting, is just so incredible. Touching on the game's most poignant...
December 12th, 2017As many of you may know, I'm a big-time fan of video games. I pretty much get down on any genre, any style, and any console. Heck, I started learning to read playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and it was a beautiful friendship between me and gaming from there. What some of you may not know, though, is I'm also a big...
September 14th, 2017Thinking about the sweet, sweet Borderlands Loot in this month's Loot Gaming really got me thinking: When is Gearbox finally going to make Borderlands 3? And that made my hype train go full steam ahead on some of the sequels we may see coming our way by the end of next year. So, for my inaugural Daily Crate article, I figured I'd...