The INSANITY of Soul Calibur VI’s Create-A-Soul character creator is the stuff that video game social media eats right up! Anytime a new tweet with a new amazing creation comes up, I am a retweeting fiend! Check these videos and get these characters!
Check out this compilation that Rob Cram put together of these intense characters from all over geekdom! Make sure to pause and nab the creator’s name so you can go find them for yourself!
There are HEAPS of really fun ones, but I’m hesitant to share too many that don’t have the creator info in them because they were cut out to share on social media! Attribute these creators, you guys! They’re making us the best Soul Calibur giggles, so be sure to share these amazing artistic magicians! But, since the videos can’t cut out the creators, we’ve got rad people like Rob Cram and Maximilian Dood that are sharing videos and going through all the unique and fun characters! Here is Max checking out some more Soul Calibur and Tekken fan-creations that pay homage to not just geekdom of all types but those hardcore game players and anime lovers!
But don’t worry, we’re not done! I’m sure you’ve seen the epic Bob Ross Create-A-Soul creation, but check out another video Rob Cram put out of even more! Trust me, there are tons of videos of these compilations but if you want to nab these, Rob and Max don’t clip out the creator names or skip through them fast!
Can I get an entire cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles together? I think the tag-team situation would be unreal. Now, what about if YOU want to dive into this intense character creator and come up with some fun ones yourself? The character creation is massive and has so many options that you could play around for legit hours. However, if you want a little tutorial to make some fun characters like Freddy Krueger, Liu Kang and Hwang — Dynasty has a video to get your feet wet!