Happy Holidays from Loot Anime! We know that anime Christmas specials are few and far in-between but we have done some digging and found some of the best around! Don’t worry, you can thank us later. With Christmas right around the corner we are sure you have been bombarded with Hallmark Movies. Fortunately, if you’re an anime fan, you have plenty of alternatives to keep your spirits high this holiday season. Because no-one does Christmas like Japan!
Make sure to let us know some of your favorite anime Christmas specials that didn’t make the list!

A-1 Pictures
Sword Art Online: “Red Nosed Reindeer”
This isn’t your everyday Christmas story. This popular anime has trapped thousands of unwitting gamers inside a game world where their only way out is to either beat every other player in the game, or die in reality. This is a true Christmas episode but there’s a moment when you realize that SAO isn’t going to pull any punches. On Christmas Eve everybody but Kirito is slain by elf-like baddies, leaving the erstwhile hero to avenge their deaths. The episode ends in tears, with the most dispiriting humming of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” because it must, still give it a shot though.

Pokemon: “Pikachu’s Winter Vacation”
Who doesn’t love Pokemon? Many people may have the new games or various Pokéball paraphernalia on their lists this year, but for this pint-sized electric mousy creatures, the holidays are all about shenanigans in the snow. Pikachu stays up late on Christmas Eve and discovers that Santa has his own Pokémon “Stantler.” Another time, the critter finds a lil’ Kangaskhan on a misty mountain and invites the baby along for some sledding, followed by a big, joyous snowball fight.

Kyoto Animation
K-On: “Christmas”
Who doesn’t love the charming girl group from K-On? This episode tells a beautiful story of sisterly love. It is so touching to see how Yui and Ui help each other out and how much they mean to each other. By the end of the episode, as they finally get their white Christmas and all get together to celebrate you will be filled with all the holiday cheer!

Saban Brands
Dragon Ball Z: “A Very Dragon Ball Z Christmas”
Yes, this sketch is an anime parody, not an actual anime special, but the Christmas crossover still feels more fitting than an official Toriyama-devised occasion ever could be. Goku and Gohan aide Santa in rescuing Mrs. Claus from a dirty fightin’ Nutcracker, an evil Little Drummer Boy, and the dastardly Composite Santa/Frosty. With shots flying at everything from DBZ‘s jumbled jargon to Silver Age superhero silliness and the organic terrors of Akira, this is quite certainly the craziest Christmas caper ever conceived.

Karuho Shiina
Kimi Ni Todoke: “Episode 22”
I love Kimi Ni Todoke. This anime is so underrated but highly loved by the ones who have watched it. If you have seen Kimi Ni Todoke then you probably remember the Christmas special. Sawako’s class is holding a Christmas party and even though she would love to join, she feels obligated to spend the day with her family. Instead, she makes Christmas presents for Chizuru and Ayane as well as our main man Kazehaya. Just as she has given up on actually getting to spend the day with her friends, a small Christmas miracle happens.

Cardcaptor Sakura “Sakura’s Wonderful Christmas”
Watch as Sakura loses her mind trying to decide what to get her crush for a gift. Sakura got everyone Christmas presents except Yukito. It’s so hard to decide what to get someone you like that much! After some advice from Meiling, she invited Yukito to the amusement park to give him his gift.

Sorachi Hideaki
Gintama: “Episode 37”
Alien invasion won’t stop Santa Claus! This is Gintama’s hilarious take on Santa’s larger than life task of visiting every house in a single night, with Gintoki’s reluctant help. On his way back from buying Nikuman one snowy night, Gintoki comes across an old man dressed in red and a reindeer arguing. Gintoki offers his help after overhearing Santa complain of being unable to finish his job after his sled was demolished. It’s also a great introduction for first-time viewers to the cheeky fun humor of this popular show.

ASCII Media Works
ToraDora: “Episode 19”
Something I always loved about this Christmas special in particular was that it doesn’t feel forced. The thought of the big Christmas party goes on for two episodes before leading up to this one. The Christmas party is finally here and the main cast gets caught up in a love triangle. While Ryuuji tries to cheer up Taiga in a Bear costume he still has a crush on Minori. Taiga tries her best to support him, but soon has to realize that she doesn’t want him to leave her side.