For the first time in forever I am proposing some plot theories on Frozen II, which totally strays from my fact-obsessed nature when it comes to Disney’s animated features.
If you haven’t seen it yet, Disney Animation released a teaser trailer for Frozen II just over a week ago. Definitely educate yourself before reading any further:
Now that we have that out of the way, I’m super excited to theorize on what the story could actually be! Given what we actually know (turning on the Disney Fact Tyler Machine™), according to an interview with Jennifer Lee, she states that Frozen II will take place immediately after the events of Frozen. That means Frozen Fever and Olaf’s Frozen Adventure both take place after the events of the second film. All of these things considered, let’s dive into our first theory.

(Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Anna and Elsa’s Parents
In the first film, we learn that the royal sisters Anna and Elsa tragically lose their parents when they journeyed out to sea for undisclosed reasons. This scene is shown during the song “Do You Want To Build A Snowman?” in the first film. Where were they going? What happened to the boat? Who the heck knows! What we do know for certain is that the parents have not returned. We know this because of their blatant absence in both shorts that take place after the two films.
I think this film will focus on themes of overcoming the parents’ deaths and either finding out what really happened to them or finishing their unfinished business. Elsa is seen in the teaser trailer fighting to overcome the crashing ocean, which could be a reflection on how the ocean took her parents. Hopefully we get some context on this in coming trailers– I’d love to know what happened to the late king and queen of Arendelle!

(Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Eternal Autumn
Look, I don’t know where the heck they go in Frozen II, but Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Arendelle any longer. Eternal Autumn sounds like a heckin’ BLESSING, but autumn does seem like a heavy theme in the recent teaser. Why is it all orange and leafy everywhere? Is it possible that there is another person with powers in this area? Elsa has ice powers that caused an eternal winter, so maybe we’ll have another with the power to drain the green from the plants and make gust of winds shed the trees of their leaves. I mean, it sounds harmless, but it could be pretty dangerous if it were in the hands of someone who can’t control it.
Honestly, I can’t really say where they’ll go with this one, but the autumn thing seems to be too important to ignore.
Also, Josh Gad (the voice of everyone’s favorite summer-lovin’ Snowman, Olaf) posted this cryptic tweet:
If you look hard enough, this teaser poster will reveal quite a few surprises (like how pretty a snowflake is up close). #Frozen2 #November
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) February 13, 2019
Hmmm… Each corner of the snowflake has a different symbol that could be interpreted as Winter, Summer, Fall and Winter. I wonder if that could have to do with Elsa’s powers + three others with the elements of the four seasons.

(Walt Disney Animation Studios)
Who The Heck Are These Guys?
Lastly, these two mystery characters made a quick appearance in the teaser trailer. Many are thinking that the girl could be a potential love interest of Elsa, while others theorize that the two of them are Gerda and Kai from the story that Frozen is based on, The Snow Queen. Either way, both would be interesting to see!
I’m wondering if the guy who get blown into the air is the one with the powers of Spring. If you look closely, it looks like flowers are rapidly blooming and pushing the leaves out of the way before the gust of wind lifts him in the air. Or, who the heck knows? Maybe he’s the one with the autumn powers and I’m just crazy!