Eggs are more than just something Guy Fieri fears. They’re often depicted as something oddly sinister throughout pop culture. So, as we head towards Easter, I thought we could take a look at the greatest fictional eggs (in no particular order):

Ovomorph (Aliens)
One day, H.R. Giger looked at an egg and thought to himself, “What if, instead of a yolk, this contained a spider made of an octogenarian’s hand that sexually assaults your face, implanting a phallic monster in your chest?” It was a very uncomfortable brunch for everyone. Regardless, that horrifying line of thinking brought about one of the most iconic monsters in science fiction: the Xenomorph. The egg was altered to be more of a creepy meat flower with some kind of motion detecting skills and the rest is history. Gross, creepy history.

(DC Comics)
Egg Fu (DC Comics)
I’m a big DC Comics fan, but I’ll be the first to admit that Wonder Woman doesn’t always have the most compelling villains. For every Ares, there’s a Chang Tzu, aka Egg Fu. Let’s get this out of the way now: he’s possibly Chinese, absolutely evil and I have no idea why he’s shaped like a giant egg with a mustache. He first appeared as an offensive Chinese stereotype in 1965 and was mostly (thankfully) forgotten. He later got a creepy, less-racist reimagining in DC’s mid-2000s yearlong series 52, but that wasn’t enough to bring the character back to the mainstream. Fingers crossed he shows up as an Easter egg (pun intended) in the Wonder Woman movie later this year.

(The Pokémon Company)
Togepi (Pokémon)
Growing up, I did occasionally catch an episode of the Pokémon animated series (I was more of a Beast Wars/Beast Machines guy, to be honest). I don’t remember much, but I do remember a mysterious Poké Egg being kind of a big deal and that later hatching to reveal the overwhelmingly disappointing Togepi, a Pokémon so lazy and terrible it didn’t even bother fully breaking out of its own shell. It would later appear in Pokémon Gold & Silver, capable of evolving into the long-necked Togetic and later, as of Diamond & Pearl, Togekiss.

Gudetama (Gudetama)
I’ll be honest, I don’t get this at all. I was like, “Eggs?” and people in the office were like, “Gudetama!” From what I understand, this is a sentient egg yolk suffering from depression and it has somehow swept the nation. Maybe it’s a commentary on the collective global consciousness? Anyway, it has a Twitter account, which seems impressive for an egg.

Dragon Eggs (Game of Thrones)
Born of fire and magic, Daenerys Targaryen’s trio of dragons are arguably one of the driving forces in Game of Thrones. But, they weren’t always that big a deal. Way back in the pilot, they were just three scaly eggs, little more than pretty, petrified rocks presented to the future queen of Westeros as fancy antiques. Honestly, they just look really, really cool and the dragons are my second favorite thing in Game of Thrones. (Nothing compares to the “Varys is a mermaid” theory).
What’s your favorite egg in pop culture? Let us know in the comments!