Kids from the 80’s had some pretty intense toys and when a movie came out that toy companies knew they could excite folks with, they came out with rather wild stuff! Let’s take a look at some nutty toys that came out for Aliens and Predator! There’s OOZE involved, guys!
I find it so funny that these movies, of all the offerings of the 80’s (Alien came out in 1979, but we can go ahead and consider it an 80’s movie as it reached real cult status then.) that such terrifying movies were shown to kids! I mean, Alien was scary! Yet, here there were toys for us that let us reenact some pretty gnarly stuff. Check out this Kenner commercial and even a review of the toy from Pixel Dan! He even got some fresh ooze just so we got to see it in action!
If you’re worried you couldn’t see a lot here because it’s low-res what with someone snatching it off a VHS tape, fear not. Pixel Dan obtained these toys and made sure to get a pristine batch of green ooze so we can see just what Mama Alien does to poor Ripley.
If you need a few minutes to rewind that and watch the ooze again, I completely understand. Learn about yourself!

(Credit: Comixoasis)
See, the thing that’s so really interesting about it is that you can expect yourself some toys. I mean, check out this lil’ Cracked Tusk Predator boy over here! He’s ready to fight! Who’s the biggest baddest Alien hunter, huh? This guy! We expected some action figures, for the most part, because that’s what you marketed to kids who loved big bright colorful toys and commercials. But, I think, well, this one confuses me the most.

(Credit: A Board Game a Day)
What in the Sam-Hell is this? An Alien board game!? How can one even remotely think the terror and pulse-pounding action of Alien could be translated via tabletop board game!? Look at the colors! I’m shook, friends. It’s cool though to think that there were fans out there that were just jonesin’ for more Alien and so they went out and got a game to try and continue those adventures, but dang… can’t even imagine it!
Now, at about this time video games were just coming into the home market and because of that we got our first movie licensed games and trust me, there was no lack of Alien and Predator games. This awesome gaming historian, Cussan, put together a compilation of all the Alien and Predator games that existed all through the 80’s, 90’s and beyond. With the newest one not part of it, it does show you just how many games we got from these movies!