We’re very tuned in to the places to watch our favorite things over here at Loot Crate. When a new channel pops up, we want to know about it but they face a challenge with top-tier content streamers like Netflix or Hulu. In the Anime realm, of course there’s Crunchyroll… and now, in steps VRV to consolidate quite a bit of our geeky viewing loves!
This is not an advertorial piece, but more of a geekdom PSA! I didn’t even know about VRV until our regular Loot Crate Twitch streaming bud Klaus let me know about it in the first place. What was the kicker? Rifftrax. I’m a massive fan of Rifftrax and have been following the folks behind the three-person-comedy group since their humble beginnings at Mystery Science Theater 300. I’ve bought a pretty great library of their available shorts and one-off films on their website, but there were always one I wanted try more of! Hulu used to care them, but that went away. Amazon Prime has a decent chunk of Rifftrax but never the shorts. Who loses there? Candice does. So, imagine my surprise when Klaus was also cheerfully informing me that this new service had a pretty sizable collection of theirs, as well as their shorts!

Roku’s VRV menu is bright, colorful and houses everything you need to survive!
Upon checking VRV out more, I found that the service works not just on my desktop but also my PS4 and Roku. Yeah, yeah. I know — ‘People use those things for streaming still!?‘ and the answer is yes. The more interesting bit there, however, is that they actually HAVE those apps. Do you know how often I find out out about a new streaming service to find it isn’t available but in one viewing system? VRV is there with apps on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Apple and Roku. Which is great news when you think of how complex it seems to be for a lot of the competition to get out there.

VRV Package pricing is pretty decent when you think about the libraries housed within each!
VRV is free as long as you can stomach some advertisements. If you can’t, you can actually buy the premium service or even just packages of the channels you’d prefer. Want Funimation and Crunchyroll? Cool. You can get your mitts on a viewing package that houses not just those two Anime giants but a few other wonderful little channels like Nerdist, Geek and Sundry and Rooster Teeth among others. On my side, I got myself set up with Crunchyroll and Funimation because Momma needs those animes when the mood strikes and when I’m getting some work done and need a few giggles, I just post up some Rifftrax on VRV and let the fun wash over me.
It’s a pretty compiled service for the asking price, as a Crunchyroll or Funimation account separately would add up to more than if you had the stand-alones on their own sites but if you bundle them via VRV it only adds up to $10. That $10 will also get some other fun geek friendly channels added on, which is pretty great for what their libraries contain. Already have Crunchyroll but want to tack it onto VRV? No problem, you can do that easily with VRV recognizing your account since it’s built by the folks over at Crunchyroll in the first place. It’s a good deal and with all those a’la carte deals — you’re sure to get everything you could want out of your niche viewing habits.