Released initially in 1996, Crash Bandicoot is a classic game, putting a quirky spin on the traditional platformer model. So how well do YOU know this crazy bandicoot? Let’s find out!
What animal was Crash originally supposed to be?
Naughty Dog
What console was Crash Bandicoot first released on?
Naughty Dog
Crash's girlfriend's name is -
Naughty Dog
Brendan O'Brien has voiced -
Naughty Dog
The Wumpa fruit is supposed to be a hybrid of what two fruits?
Naughty Dog
Who is Crash's girlfriend modeled after?
Naughty Dog
One of the main artists, Charles Zembillas, went on to work on what other game?
Naughty Dog
The original Crash Bandicoot was different from other platformers in what way?
Naughty Dog