December 7th, 2018If you've never heard of Naruto, you've been living under a rock. The story follows Naruto, a wannabe ninja student who strives to be the next Hokage. However, Naruto is shunned by many in his village because his body is the host of and incredible beast called the Nine-Tailed Fox.
In Naruto
If you've never read or watched Naruto,...
March 26th, 2018The last volume the Assassination Classroom manga will hit shelves this year and although we are sad to see it come to an end many of us are grateful for the amazing and unique journey the story took us on.
Assassination Classroom centers around a class of young children who are training to be assassins by working together to kill their...
September 18th, 2017Alexis Kirsch is a influential editor and translator over at Viz Media, and has worked on titles such as One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Boruto (Just to name a few!) He also worked on the Black Clover manga which is receiving a anime adaptation this October.
We were very lucky to get to ask Alexis some of our...
August 9th, 2017Last fall, we packed a picnic basket full of exclusive anime loot that was quite #DELICIOUS!
*Please avoid actually try to eat your crate.*
Loot Anime celebrated the 2016 Thanksgiving holiday with loot featuring anime and manga’s magic ability to make even the simplest meal look mouth-watering.
We salivated over some of the...