Once we realized we were spreading some Injustice 2 love in Loot Gaming this month, we considered that some of our Looters may need more info! Check out some things you may need to know before taking on this battle for Earth!
1. In the DC Comics, Arkham Asylum is built by Amadeus Arkham.
1. Superman and Wonder Woman are seen as lovers in the first Injustice title. This follows the comic books storyline featured through the Injustice arc.
2. The group that is against Superman’s rule is called “The Insurgency” and they’ll go through any length to stop our Heroes from becoming Gods.
3. In the first Injustice title, your character had 3 costume choices. It’s unknown if that number changes in Injustice 2, but they’ve promised a load of CW fan love for this one!
4. The costume choices that were made for Injustice were based on the ‘New 52’ line of comic books. It’s why they have such a legendary feel despite updated style.
5. Injustice is developed by NetherRealm Studios, who also worked on the immensely popular Mortal Kombat X.

(Warner Bros./DC Comics.)
6. The universe of Injustice hasn’t suffered in the time since the first title. A mobile version of the game has even updated to allow for CW alternate versions as well as Batman V Superman content!
7. There are sixteen new characters coming to Injustice 2 that brings in some fan favorites as well as niche characters rarely seen in DC games. Gorilla Grodd, anyone?
8. Injustice 2 leads off from where Injustice ended with a massive concern for Superman’s rising power. This is considered ‘Dictator Superman’ which will become Batman’s most dangerous foe.
9. This new game will also include an Overwatch-style Loot Box (Just call them Loot Crates, it’s what we do.) system to every match, making it easier to earn rewards and gear every time you play!
10. You should expect, thanks to the popularity of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat X coming to Injustice, that NetherRealm Studios will bring more Mortal Kombat to this DC-Centric universe. Who do you think it will be?