Can you even remember a time before Sonic the Hedgehog? I sure can’t. SEGA’s hit landmark title has been around for two decades now and there’s even more on the way with Sonic Forces dropping November 7th and an upcoming Sonic film in 2018! So, let’s take a minute and dig into some little known trivia for this blue whirlwind!
1. The Labyrinth Zone was so complicated that developers changed it from being the second act into a later act. Can you imagine that being the second level!? Yeesh.
2. The Scrap Brain Zone was originally supposed to be Clockwork Zone but the font’s ‘W’ showed up odd on the screen, forcing them to rename it entirely.
3. In the second part of Spring Yard Zone, there are two possible exits to the level. This is the only time multiple exits have ever been featured in a Sonic the Hedgehog title.

4. Tails, otherwise known as Miles Prower, who we meet in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, actually gets his name from ‘miles per hour‘ in speed terms. Clever, right?
5. Speaking of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, it was the highest selling title on the Sega Genesis console. Six million copies worldwide. I mean, who’s going to pass up a co-op Sonic experience!?
6. There are actually meant to be 18 levels in Sonic 2 but only 11 made it to the complete version. One such was removed from Sonic 2 before its launch called Hidden Palace Zone due to time restrictions for release. However, you can hear the level music for Hidden Palace Zone in the sound section of the game’s options.

7. SEGA had actually hired Michael Jackson to do the soundtrack to Sonic the Hedgehog 3, but when Jackson was undergoing controversy, they dropped him. Hints of this can be found in similarities of Jackson’s HIStory and Dangerous albums and the Sonic 3 soundtrack. Carnival Night Zone sounds very similar to JAM and Stranger in Moscow sounds very similar to the end credits of Sonic 3. Crazy stuff, right? Want more info? I knew you would. There’s SO much more to dig through!
8. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is the first time in Sonic history that you were able to save your progress. Phew, right?
9. Sonic and Knuckles was originally supposed to be part of Sonic 3 but they felt the game was too large and decided to split it in two parts with Sonic 3 to come first.
10. Our bestest buddy Tails will only make an appearance in Sonic and Knuckles if you connect the game with Sonic 3.