Can you believe how long it has been since Star Trek: The Next Generation graced our television screens? I still can’t and I remember watching weekly! If you haven’t seen it, you can still watch on Netflix and take some of this trivia with you!
1. In a surprise to absolutely nobody who lived in the 80’s — Geordi La Forge’s visor was a quick improvisation of air filter pieces and a banana clip (It’s a type of hair clip) found on the set.
2. Sir Patrick Stewart actually hated the idea of Captain Picard keeping a pet of any kind as he felt keeping animals as pets was a cruel captivity. It was a pretty consistent bone of contention for the first couple of appearances until finally Livingston the fish was simply ‘sent away’.
3. Star Trek: The Next Generation was formally announced during the 20th Anniversary of Star Trek proper. The year? 1986.

(CBS Studios)
4. Originally, Jean-Luc Picard’s first name was Julien. To be fair, that wasn’t the only change that happened before the show started production. Wesley was originally Leslie Crusher and was Beverly’s daughter rather than son.
5. It only took Michael Dorn about two hours to get his facial prosthesis and make-up applied before filming. These must’ve been absolutely streamlined masters at make-up effects!
6. Despite the fact that the some fans took up the catchphrase “Shut up, Wesley,” it was actually only ever uttered in one episode.

(CBS Studios)
7. In the beginning talks about the new series, Paramount had concerns that a new and updated series would mean less eyes on the old franchise and the movies that came from it. Funny how incredibly wrong they were back then because TNG began to catch on to its own fan base within weeks and eventually spurned further interest in the Original series and subsequent films.
8. You know those white bottles of Klingon Blood Wine? Those were Jose Cuervo bottles painted with acrylics and spray paint. Just who emptied them though? 😉
9. While some may have been confident about the series when it started, Sir Patrick Stewart wasn’t quite there. He didn’t unpack any of his belongings and lived out of his suitcase until he was sure the show was going to get picked up for another season. It took him six weeks to be sure of things.

(CBS Studios)
10. Not only did Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi on the show) have to wear a partial wig but she also had to wear contacts for the role. She wasn’t the only one though as Gates McFadden had to wear a full wig. What was wrong with their original hair, guys!? Space beauty standards be trippin’, I swear.