It’s an important time to get your trivia together for our beloved Wonder Woman as her big-screen debut is nearly here! We thought it was a good time to get you educated! Check out these awesome factoids about the Justice League’s most ardent seeker of truth:
1. Charles Moulton aka: William Moulton Marston created Wonder Woman. Incidentally enough, he also was the inventor of the Polygraph Test. So, you could say that the truth is obviously very important to him!
2. While the rest of us wish our accessories gave us such awesome function, Wonder Woman’s earrings give her the ability to breathe in space. And that’s not the only bonus: For a certain time years ago (The 70’s) they actually could double as grenades. Talk about function over fashion, right?
3. Joss Whedon was actually slated to direct a Wonder Woman movie but plans were in and out of development which actually stopped Wonder Woman from appearing in quite a few other films and television series for some time. Ultimately, Warner Bros. decided to just keep her on hold until she could have her debut in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Timing worked out though because now we get to see her on the big screen this summer!
4. Before the upcoming title was pinned down, Angelina Jolie was considered to be the titular character. When that fell through, it was possible she would direct it. However, she stepped away from the possibility. Can you imagine what kind of movie that would’ve been?
5. The Amazonian Wonder actually ran for President twice during two different runs of her comic series. Both times she didn’t get the most important job in the free world but, I mean, she was probably terribly over-qualified anyhow.

(Warner Bros. Television)
6. In 1942, Wonder Woman got her own standalone comic series. A landmark date, given that male heroes were overwhelming the territory at that time!
7. Prior to 2011, Wonder Woman received a rather controversial costume change in which her iconic gear was switched out for something more formal. Given pants rather than her high-cut briefs, DC fans were close to rioting. It’s not unusual for comic book fans to be displeased by changes to their beloved heroes, however, and the costume was quickly reverted back to its original version.
8. While Superman and Wonder Woman actually had a romance in the comics, it’s no secret that Batman has had the vapors for her for some time. The films recently played with the attraction in Batman v. Superman and who knows if they’re going to let that play out!
9. Gal Gadot, who plays Wonder Woman, had to participate in re-shoots for the film while she was five months pregnant! That’s a lot of baby bump hiding in post-production.
10. It’s been a long road for Wonder Woman to get her own tentpole summer blockbuster. She’s not the first female superhero-lead feature, though. The first, you ask? Catwoman. Don’t remember Catwoman’s ill-fated movie adaptation of her own? That’s probably for the best.