How prepared are you folks for the series finale of Game of Thrones this coming weekend? If you said you're not ready, I would totally understand. Good thing that HBO did these rad mini-features that would make you REALLY understand just how this...
This Sunday, WWE will host its annual Money in the Bank pay-per-view which will be highlighted by the Men's and Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Matches. We all know the history of this legendary match in WWE. Whoever wins the match can "cash-in" on...
This past March, Loot Crate Looters blasted off on a COSMIC adventure through the pop culture galaxy with this stellar collection of exclusive gear featuring Captain Marvel, Alien, Lost in Space, and MORE!
Sometimes you just have to embark on a...
It's nearly summer blockbuster season, and if you haven't already seen Avengers Endgame for the sixth time, there will be more big titles to trek out to your multiplex for soon! Although, some nights you just wanna stay in and hit the sofa, so...
Do you know how many X-Men movies are rocking the same continuity because there's a lot. Let's dive into some little juicy X-Men movie tidbits to see just how excited we can get for the upcoming Dark Phoenix film! How much do you know?
1. The...
The 1990's was a wild place when it came to movies geared towards kids, guys. There were times where none of us knew why these movies existed, but we watched them and loved them anyhow. I think enough time has passed for us to talk about Surf...
There are few shows that I remember during the first decade of Cartoon Network that stuck with me like Samurai Jack. I keep coming back to that reboot and how they stepped their game up by a thousand yet always loved the original too. Check some of...
At long last, Detective Pikachu hits our theatres this weekend, and along with all the anticipation it carries with it a pretty significant badge of honor...
As of this writing, Detective Pikachu holds a 64% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. (That's...
Join us as we do our best to ensure that you are fully EDUCRATED, via our YouTube channel!
Educrated is a show that dives into some of the franchises we love and would love to share with you. Through fun facts, trivia, and employee interaction,...
You might be wondering why I think Big Trouble in Little China is on a short list of my favorite movies of all time. My long answer is because it's visually impressive, funny, action-packed, and overall just a damn good time. The short answer?...
It's been nearly a decade since the last Marvel Ultimate Alliance game, but we've finally hit the end of the long wait!
With the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the behemoth of a movie that is Avenger: Endgame just smashing through...
We've got a brand new video segment we want to introduce to you this week, Looters! Every so often, when a new trailer or cool piece of footage drops, we're going to gather some of our staffers who haven't seen it yet to get their first reactions......
Listen, it's difficult to know all the right things to send your Mom, Moms or even those rad single Papas out there that deserve all the days ever, right? We get that. So, let me help you drop all the best love on that Facebook page or get you...
Loot Wear is teaming up with female artists throughout geekdom to design and curate for our apparel lines! Each month we’ll bring you a one on one with each artist we collaborated with, making unique apparel designed by talented women in the...
There's something so comforting about some of our old childhood classics. The Sandlot proved that a group of friends can literally be your whole life, so long as you put yourself out there. Let's learn even more about this rad classic.
1. Marty...
We know, The Sandlot is one of the greatest nostalgia-fest kids flicks of the 90's. It's a big reason why we chose it for our NEMESIS theme in this month's Loot Wear assortments! And we couldn't resist a stroll down memory lane, so today's Video...
That dread you’re feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah, bad news, your NEMESIS is here.
This month, we gathered the dark forces of pop culture with a collection of villainous Loot Crate gear featuring Ghostbusters, Jaws, & MORE! (Yer...
May the Fourth Be With You! Well, tomorrow anyway... it's nearly Star Wars Day and we wanted to dip back into the archives for some classic Star Wars cast memories.
When the original Star Wars was released in 1977 (well before it got the subtitle...
To say we're heartbroken over the news of Peter Mayhew is a massive understatement. This beloved actor brought Chewbacca to life and has kept people loving his character work for decades. HelloGreedo has a lovely profile on Peter Mayhew and the work...
When it comes to video games, sometimes the NEMESIS is the best part of the whole dang thing. You can have an engrossing story, great characters that you really care about, along with innovative gameplay and mechanics - but if you have a crappy...