Gamers are well aware of the Elder Scrolls series including the last of its name: Skyrim. We’ve all been playing Skyrim for years now and with a new Elder Scrolls title coming down the pipeline, we’re still kind of trying to find new ways to enjoy Skyrim without repeating the same quests over and over. Let me help!
Now, before I get into this – let it be stated that I love all of the Elder Scrolls games, so I wouldn’t suggest you do these without having played the full game and such at least a couple of times over. I would by no means tell people to ignore all the hard work of the developers, writers and amazing artists – but, it’s been a long time. We need something to keep us seasoned Skyrim players entertained! With all of those things said, let’s get to the adventures!
1. Crazy Pete-Pete the Pillow Architect!
You can steal pretty much anything that can fit in your backpack when it comes to the Elder Scrolls games. One of my favorite things to over-encumber myself with was pillows. Why? Because wherever you go and whatever you do – you’re going to need a rad BA pillow fort, am I right? Want to start small? Figure out structure? Start hoarding pillows and taking them to a location with a small creek. Start building bridges, my dude! Getting tired of those NPCs thinking they run the joint? Start making small six pillow scale pillow walls and if your collision is working (or they haven’t freaking patched it) you can watch them bust through or completely air-walk against them! This works with pretty much any item but I found pillows are the easiest to work with and yes, I did spend at least sixteen hours doing this.
Is the game too easy for you? Are you recognizing that you’re quite obviously the best at handling the economy systems in Skyrim and you just roll your eyes when you have to buy a new thing because it’s ‘like whatever’? I get it. So, do a run where your only source of money comes from capturing and selling butterflies and other flying bugs. Think that may be too difficult? Cool, try it with flowers then. Be the most whimsical little Skyrim player and yet take on a difficulty rivaling the Cuphead tutorial level. (LOL)
3. Alchemy is for the BOLD!
Remember that scene in The Princess Bride where The Dread Pirate Roberts explains that the reason he could poison himself with iocaine powder is that he had ingested a little bit at a time for years? Well, take your alchemy to the next level by only allowing yourself healing materials that you make yourself – but also not doing any actual research and just randomizing things until you get something useful. Oh, did I mention that even if you get the wrong one you have to drink it? Yup. So sorry. However, it’s going to make getting to the end that way even more entertaining.
4. Crush a THESE ARE MY DRAGONS run!
We know to fear the many dragons in Skyrim, but what if we just pretended the dragons are our babies? Summon your inner Khaleesi, make no friends with any of the main cities and when a dragon flies over head – start baiting it towards the closest city and/or camp and just encourage the ultimate destruction of every location it can. Scare your foes which, at one point, were your BFFs! Extra Credit: Your dragonshouts should only be used towards people. Good, free-thinking people.
5. The Gift-Giver
Sure, we steal things in Skyrim all of the time. I don’t care who you are – you’ve taken something from someone, either friend or foe, in that game and we just accept this as part of the intense life of an adventurer. What if you stole and kept one specific item from the very start, say spoons (Yes, I did spoons) and you left a spoon in every person’s house and/or domicile wherever you stole something? If you think this is too easy — try a run where you have to leave something every single time you steal something. You’re on your honor system (or you could stream or make a video of it, which you’re welcome for this idea) so make sure that even if those items you have are super important to you — something gets left behind. Trust me, it’s going to add some fun to this game within moments.
Further Extra Credit: IceBingo9 has this video right here of FILLING an entire building with cheese wheels. To. The. Brim. Don’t not sleep on this video because, come on, who wouldn’t die to stumble upon this treasure trove!?