April 22nd, 2019It's not easy being the Khal, guys. Ask D.B. Weiss and David Benioff who had a rather fun little 'game' that they played with Jason Momoa, he who was once Khal Drogo...
April 19th, 2019We are ONE WEEK away from Avengers: Endgame! And we're still marveling at how little those trailers have given away...
Sure, theories abound. And word on the street is...
April 12th, 2019When it was announced this week that Disney+ was working on a Hawkeye series featuring Jeremy Renner, to many fans it came as no surprise that the name which started...
April 11th, 2019Tell us your thoughts on all things MCU, and we’ll guess whether you survived Thanos’ infamous snap or fell victim to the Decimation. No matter the outcome, “dread...
April 9th, 2019Why, yes, we already discussed a handful of fun Godzilla trivia before but you DO realize how many of those movies exist, right? Well, I made sure to grab at least a few...
April 8th, 2019Since we're rocking with The Avengers for all of April with our SHOWDOWN theme of Loot Crate, Loot Crate DX and Loot Wear, we thought a Monday filled with Marvel fun...
April 5th, 2019When you say the word "showdown," the first thing that might spring to mind is a brawl. But the truth is, some of the best showdowns of all time don't involve the...
April 5th, 2019There isn't much that we love of a retro-arcade nature more than Pac-Man, he of the "waka-waka!" (Not to be confused with Fozzie Bear's "wocka-wocka!" – it's a subtle...
April 2nd, 2019There are times when I see what we've got coming up in our crate assortments that makes me squeal with delight. This time around, April is giving me The Karate Kid in...
April 1st, 2019It's the Rad Voice Dads of Gaming that are coming in hot with their Retro Replay quasi-lets-play hangout series. With Troy Baker and Nolan North goofing off with...
March 29th, 2019Of all our favorite 80's flicks, few are as quintessentially L.A. (specifically, L.A.'s San Fernando Valley) as The Karate Kid. But how much of it was actually shot in...
March 26th, 2019Once upon a time, HBO's Entourage took it upon themselves to joke about an Aquaman film... yet, here we are and Jason Momoa as Aquaman exceeded all expectations and was...
March 25th, 2019Spring has sprung, Looters! There's a super bloom across the West, temps are still thawing out across the Midwest...and just about everyone is itching to get out into...
March 22nd, 2019If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star....
March 19th, 2019Can you believe how long it has been since Star Trek: The Next Generation graced our television screens? I still can't and I remember watching weekly! If you haven't...
March 18th, 2019You can thank the fine folks at Dorkly for putting together this rad Best-Of video with their tastiest Mega Man shorts just this past weekend! Sure, I had some super...
March 15th, 2019Hey, fans of Netflix's Lost In Space! You're undoubtedly aware that the show is a remake of a classic 60's scifi series, but do you know the long and storied history of...
March 14th, 2019The lot of us are going bonkers waiting for the next season of Rick and Morty, right? Well, Emergency Awesome is in the same boat. They put together a fascinating little...
March 12th, 2019A lot of you have already checked out Captain Marvel by now, and we get it! We may be just as excited as everyone else because we've got Captain Marvel a-plenty in...