Sometimes, when we’re stuck at work, the day can either start great and end exhausting or start moody and end with that giddy excitement to head out the doors! Even the crew of the Star Trek Enterprise gets that, so we thought we’d bring you through a few weekday feels in GIF form!

Before: Feeling alright, good hopes for the week!

After-Work: Why did you think Monday would actually be OKAY?

Before: Okay, okay. Tuesday is a better day. Did we hear free lunch?

After-Work: There was no free-lunch. There’s tons of traffic. Is there even a God at this point?

Before: Okay, Hump-Day. Closer to Friday. We got this. Anyone want to go out after this?

After-Work: Set a course for leave me alone until Friday.

Before: Sippin’ on a bit of this caffeine. Feeling alright. Friday is almost here.

After-Work: Wait, you want me to stay late? Wait, what??

Before: Let’s just get through the day. Zero incidents. We’re almost there.

After-Work: TWO DAYS OF FREEDOM! Let’s DO this!