He lives in a pineapple under the sea, sure, but how did that come about? Check out this behind-the-scenes series on the culture of our favorite bright yellow square sponge-boi and the people who brought him to life! I couldn't take my eyes...
When snowflakes fall and you can see your breath in the air, make warm memories with Hello Kitty® and LET IT SNOW!
This snowy season, Hello Kitty and Friends Looters bundled up with a winter wonderland of EXCLUSIVE loot!
December’s LET IT...
When I like a game, I can usually tell by how eager I am to have it across every console or system I can play it on. Generally, a game has to have the right kind of relaxing, brain-work and tension for me to be sold on it and want it pretty much...
FMV games, aka Full Motion Video, started getting somewhat popular back in the late eighties, early nineties. With people wanting to explore the space of video games a bit more, we saw a unique upcropping before disappearing for quite awhile. A...
I dare you to get through this trivia without craving hamburgers. Bob's Burgers is a beloved favorite of the adult animated genre of FOX television, and its nine seasons prove it has quite the fanbase! How many of you Bob's Burger lovers know these...
Doug Johnson is a longtime fan who has parlayed his love of some of geekdom's greatest titles into a career designing for Bioworld, one of the foremost pop-culture product makers in the business.
You may not know it, but many of your favorite Loot...
Warning: This video isn't for those who haven't played Naughty Dog's triumph The Last of Us! Okay, now that we got that out of the way, Luke Stephens on YouTube put together a love letter of a piece to discuss why the hit game, whose sequel we're...
All too often, when a film gains a following or performs well at the box office, the inevitable talk of a sequel is right around the corner. Other times, it takes a while for that continuation to arrive... or just drop in out of the blue!
I've said it once, and at least until February 22nd rolls around I know I'll say it again... I am so hyped for Bioware's upcoming sci-fi shared-world RPG, Anthem.
So much rad new content is coming down the pipeline since recent closed alpha and...
As a huge fan of everything Disney and DEFINITELY Disneyland and Disney World, I'm always curious how the parks operate through the years. I always wondered, when visiting, why certain rides were gone and why. Defunctland has answered SO many...
I've been a gamer since I could hold a controller, and when I had a kid I was adamant to not really force her into gaming but to let it be organic. Then, in 2018, she started to really get into it. It fueled many a long gaming history discussion,...
Kingdom Hearts III launches worldwide in just over two weeks, and we've come prepared to prep you on the sequence of events that lead up to this moment. Kingdom Hearts has a very hard-to-follow story for many, so we're going to break down the evil...
You know what they say: live by the BLADE, die by the blade…
Loot Gaming Looters got a taste of the BLADE with November’s crate featuring the challenging forces of evil from God of War, The Elder Scrolls, Kingdom Hearts and Assassin’s...
There's something so beautiful about seeing voices and characters come to life during table reads! Entertainment Weekly has this rad video of the Bob's Burgers cast doing a quick table read live and it's so fun! If you haven't seen these talented...
For a show that has been a part of culture for so long, it's hard to believe that is due in fact to Spongebob Squarepants being around for 20 years now! Starting in 1999, this show has 12 seasons and at 20 episodes a piece, there's a lot of trivia!...
Grab a spot on the couch and get comfortable because, January’s Loot Crate is all about our favorite #BINGE-worthy TV shows! We’re ringing in the new year with...
Happy New Year! – wherever you are in the world (well, above the Equator at least), it's a new year but the same ol' winter chills as last month (if not chillier).What better time to hunker down on the sofa and devour your favorite TV to your...
It's a brand new year, and with every step we take deeper into the 21st century comes more amusement as the "future" dates of our pop culture lexicon become reality...
Remember when the 2010's seemed like the distant future as you were a rookie...
There are so many episodes of Friends that anyone can revisit on streaming services and get their binge on. However, OSSA has this rad video which brings up some interesting hidden details to the show that eagle-eyed watchers may just want to see if...
Another year has come and gone - and what an incredible year for gaming it was!
I had some serious heavy hitters like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, God of War, Monster Hunter: World and Red Dead Redemption 2 take up some serious game time of mine...