What’s up humans? This week we are going to discuss some of the most BADASS women in anime as voted on by YOU, via instagram stories! Alot of you DM’d me and let me know your favorite anime ladies and ranged from Mikasa Ackerman, Sakura Haruno ,to Tsunade and even to Cory in the House (BTW isn’t that meme a little old guys?) Out of all of the tons of recommendations, we chose 10 to showcase to you today! Hope you enjoy!

Sentai Filmworks
10. Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata
First, but kinda last on this list is Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata with 71% of you voting yes for her being on the list and 29% of you voting no. Mirai Kuriyama is the sole survivor of a clan of Spirit World warriors with the power to employ their blood as weapons. As such, Mirai is tasked with hunting down and killing “youmu”—creatures said to be the manifestation of negative human emotions. As you follow this 12 episode anime you fall in love with not only Mirai but her counterpart as well. She is a true badass and deserves fully to be on this list, check out Kyoukai no Kanata for more of her and her butt-kicking abilities.

9. Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Alright, before we get into the “avatar isn’t an anime fight” let me remind you all that you voted Katara on this list with 77% of you voting yes and only 23% saying no. To be completely honest, Katara is truly a badass, I mean think about it. SHE CAN FIGHT WITH WATER! She doesn’t need a sword or a scythe or even a girl group to back her up. She can do bad all by herself and we see that continuously and regularly throughout the entire series. Not to mention she taught the one and only Avatar (master of all four elements, only one who can save the world) how to bend one of the elements: WATER!

Studio Ghibli
8. San from Princess Mononoke
If any of you have ever read any of my blogs before you know I am a huge Studio Ghibli fan with Princess Mononoke being my favorite film they have ever created. San is the epitome of a badass and it disappointed me that she wasn’t higher on the list but the people have spoken and i have to listen. 78% of you voted yes with only 22% of you saying no to this wolf loving, forest protecting woman. If you have ever seen Princess Mononoke you know San only wants one thing and that is to save her beloved forest and all the creatures that live there from the humans who proceed to tear it down. She will go as far as risking her life for what she believes in and to me that is a true badass.

7. Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
With the popularity of Sword Art Online in the anime community and especially with Asuna being a beloved character I expected her to be higher on this list but only 80% of you voted yes. After Sword Art Online was cleared, Asuna transferred her SAO avatar to ALfheim Online and began playing the game as an undine. Due to her tendency to charge into battle with a rapier despite being a healer, she has earned the nickname Berserk Healer. Any woman who can whip around a sword and look that good while doing it should be on this list.

6. Maka Albarn from Soul Eater
The queen of sythes, Maka is a two-star meister at Death Weapon Meister Academy and a former member of Spartoi. She is the daughter of Death’s weapon partner, Spirit Albarn, she was inspired to be scythe-meister much like mother after witnessing her father’s cheating ways and partnered with the demon scythe, Soul Eater, to create a weapon far more powerful than her father. Throughout Soul Eater Maka continuously fails and gets back up again determined to make herself stronger in stronger. A true badass, it’s no surprise 82% of you said yes.

5. Touka Kirishima from Tokyo Ghoul
No offense to you die hard Tokyo Ghoul fans but Touka was the only thing that didn’t constantly confuse me throughout the entire animated series.We first are introduced to Touka as a charming and quiet waitess/school girl that is until she totally saves the ass of her future lover and baby daddy Ken Kaneki from being killed. She always surprised me with her ability to never give up. Needless to say she has one of the coolest kagune of anyone in the entire show even though it maybe a rareity to see her in full on attack mode. Definitely a favorite of mine on this list.

4. Erza Scarlet from FairyTale
OK take it easy on me here because I haven’t seen all 9 billion episodes of FairyTale so I don’t quite know just how badass Erza is but I will trust you guys vote because 86% of you insist she be on this list! From what I understand Erza has something called Requip which is a type of Spacial Magic and her own signature form of Magic, over which she possesses great mastery. It is a type of Magic that allows her to swap weapons, armor and clothes at will. Her particular form of Requip is called The Knight. She is noted for her ability to Requip extremely fast and is the only sword Mage known to be capable of Requipping weapons and armor while fighting, she is said to have over 100 different armors. Definitely cool enough for this list.

Sentai Filmworks
3. Saber/Artoria Pendragon from the Fate Series
One of the most appealing things about the ever so confusing Fate Series is this beautiful and tough character, Saber. If you have ever seen any of her fights in the animated series you know just how mesmerizing and badass Saber can be. It is no wonder 90% of you voted yes for her being on the list. Saber is an agile and powerful warrior who is loyal, independent, and reserved; she appears emotionally cold but is actually suppressing her emotions to focus on her goals. Her character is so cool in-fact that it was actually inspired by the legends of King Authur himself.

2. Ryuko Matoi from Kill La Kill
Packed full of abilities and a sexy uniform that cosplay girls can’t wait to show their tits in we have Ryuko Matoi. 94% of you voted that Ryuko not only be on this list but at the top and here she is. Her fighting skills are insane and compared to all others on this list she can really pack a punch. She possesses the Scissor Blade, one half of the Rending Scissors that Isshin created to destroy uniforms empowered by Life Fibers. At the start of the series, she acquires a special “kamui” uniform named Senketsu, which grants her special abilities. You don’t wanna get in this girls way.

1. Mikasa Ackerman from Attack On Titan
You all knew before you even started reading this who was gonna be at the top. For good reason, she is the most badass woman on this list, 97% of you agree with that. Leaving a mere 3% who have probably never seen AOT in their entire life or else they would’ve voted yes as well. I mean, can you imagine growing up in a world where everything is trying to kill you. Mikasa’s entire life is built on her protecting the human race and her beloved Eren (and Armin but he’s not as important). She quickly and easily became first in line to kill titans and within her first year being on the front lines she was already fighting with Levi. She is a true badass character and deserved to be number one.
ANYWAYS, that is it for this weeks blog everyone. We have dug through some of animes most beloved and badass women in order to find our top kick butt girls. I think that all of you who voted did a bomb job at choosing. As for the few of you who may threaten me for not putting Sakura Haruno or some other character on this list you would kill for, please try to calm down. Thanks so much for voting and reading as always. If you do think you know a character who better deserves to be on this list, let us know on TWITTER!