Behind the Crate
News archive
ANIME: New Spring 2021 Anime To Get Excited About!
GET THE LOOT ANIME CRATE SPRING IS HERE and you know what that means! NO I don't mean Easter bunnies and flowers.. I'M TALKIN' ALL NEW SEASONS OF YOUR FAVORITE ANIME! This Spring will definitely be one for the books. We have all new shows,...
ANIME: New Titles To Get Excited For October 2020!
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR LOOT ANIME CRATE Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! Today let me introduce you to some of the most exciting upcoming anime titles for the month of October 2020! I know that you know there are tons of good titles in the...
ANIME: Best Anime Intros 2020
LEARN MORE ABOUT LOOT ANIME Hello and good-day anime fans! Today I want to take you on a musical journey through some of the best Anime OP's of 2020 so far! Please note that these are strictly my opinion but my opinion is awesome so it should now...