It's been a part of the fabric of geek culture for decades, and yet somehow the tabletop gaming world – and Dungeons and Dragons in particular – has only really begun to appear frequently in film and TV over the past couple of decades.
After a relaxing summer vacation filled with lots of zany adventures (we presume), it’s time to head Back to School! But let’s be honest, regular school isn’t nearly as exciting as some of our favorite schools from TV and movies.
That's why...
There's so much Rick and Morty with Loot Crate in August, broh! But it got us thinking about how Rick, despite some of his more tragic traits, has so many inner dialogue moments living out loud that we can relate to. We've all been there,...
Real talk: If we rewind back two weeks, I would have no idea how much I'd love Dead Cells. In fact, I wouldn't even fully know what the game was two weeks ago - fortunately for me, I discovered it here at work and it was the beginning of a...
Suit up and join the squad! July’s Loot Wear Looters styled themselves after these undefeatable dream teams and dynamic duos!
July’s Loot Wear featured some of the most EPIC #TEAMUP combos in pop culture history, with exclusive apparel...
Fans of God of War can't hear Christopher Judge's voice as Kratos without absolute shivers now thanks to the runaway hit reboot of the PlayStation legendary series. Watch as the Director, Cory Barlog, goes to Gudvangen, Norway with Kratos himself to...
The Super Smash Bros. team was not kidding around when dubbing the next title in the series as the most "Ultimate" Smash game yet.
Just last week, Nintendo dropped a bombshell of information on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, sending the entire...
The Walking Dead has had so many seasons now that you'd think we'd get a full scope of this intense microcosm of a life with the undead. However, there's so much interesting behind-the-scenes stuff that shines a light on this awesome series! Let's...
Dandy. Space Dandy. Leader of the Aloha Oe, this well-coiffed lady's man travels throughout the galaxy in search of unregistered alien beings that he can turn into big bucks. With him, his trusty robotic companion, QT, and his furry Betelgeusian...
One of my favorite scenes in Fight Club is where the Narrator, also known as Jack, sits with Tyler Durden fresh after his apartment has blown up and has a drink with him at Lou's Tavern. Sure, it's a well known scene but not really the most favored....
This weekend sees a perfectly summer-appropriate release in The Meg, a deep sea creature feature in which Jason Statham faces off against the biggest shark in the history of history...
Seeing as the Stath actually dabbled in professional diving...
In an alternate reality, where wars were lost and evils won, a small town like Wellington Wells had to deal with some unsavory things through troublesome times. That's when Joy was invented, to take away the memories of war and loss. Problem was......
Join us as we do our best to ensure that you are fully EDUCRATED, via our YouTube channel!
Educrated is a show that dives into some of the franchises we love and would love to share with you. Through fun facts, trivia, and employee...
Welcome to our latest chat with the folks behind the scenes that help make the magic happen here at Loot Crate!
I've had the privilege of getting to know some really incredible employees in my nearly four years here at Loot Crate, many of those...
Listen, we know you have dragons to yell at, vampire vengeance to exact, fights to finish, and giant robot-birds to stop, but it’s hard to do that stuff on an empty stomach.
That’s why June’s Loot Gaming Looters grabbed some #GRUB with a...
With the launch of Battle for Azeroth less than a week away, it's no surprise that the hype train is moving full-steam ahead for WoW fans around the world - myself included. This time around, though, there's been so much drama and controversy...
Everyone has had a job they didn't really like, but had to do it anyway, right? Since Office Space is the wish fulfillment movie we all love, I thought we'd dig into some little behind the scenes tidbits about the film and have some fun! Um,...
Project MAYHEM is here! And with that, comes an awesome video from The Film Theorists that breaks down tons of hidden messages in Fight Club that maybe you didn't know before! Heck, it made me pop the blu-ray in immediately after I found...
No matter where we go, #MAYHEM seems to follow! August’s Loot Crate is celebratin’ some of ‘ya favorite havoc-wreaking characters, like ME, Harley Quinn! Pleased to meetcha!
Just call me Harley! Everyone does!
I teamed up with Loot...
If you have somehow managed to avoid seeing Fight Club until now, you might want to look away now. Same goes for the movies we're about to discuss, because for most, the thing that unites them is what you call a big ol' SPOILER!...
Well, if you'd...