I was going to put together a handy starter guide for things to be ready for and stuff to go out and do now that Fallout 76 has launched – but ya know what, there are some people that have done a way better job already, including this great video...
Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu and Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee come out tomorrow and many Pokemon fans are raring to jump back in to the next adventure in the Kanto region. Though the game only features the original 151 Pokemon and their Alolan forms,...
Our spoopiest release of the year is finally out in the world, as our inaugural Loot Fright crate – themed TRICK OR TREAT – arrived in the hands of our Looters who can't get enough horror!
Looters were over the moon to discover a fright-filled...
It's been a while since we SLAMMED into a new GIF collection via our fully official WWE Slam Crate subscription – so you could say this title bout of animated joy is long overdue! So get ready to right click and save from this collection of...
While we're all still clenching our keyblades and waiting on Kingdom Hearts 3 to come through, there are still so many games to catch up with! Since Loot Gaming's BLADE Crate has a Kingdom Hearts EXCLUSIVE, we thought we'd dip into some trivia!...
For many games, especially 2K Games and Irrational's Bioshock series, it would seem like a mammoth feat to describe its lore in a minute. Leave it to the channel LORE though to do it not only effortlessly, but with some dang fun animation! Check...
When we were all kids (and maybe some of us now), we always had to build our dream comic book LEGO sets from scratch. They were always 'good enough' but not quite the real deal, you know? Well, until LEGO gave us all these rad Marvel Iron Man sets...
This month we're featuring both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul across our LABORATORY theme in Loot Crate and Loot Crate DX – two of the best examples of an original show and its spin-off in perfect synchronicity.
As spin-off series go, Better...
We're still obsessed with figuring out Westworld. You've seen as much, what with our trivia pieces and the fact we've got Westworld featured in our LABORATORY Loot Crate this November! But what hidden little Easter Eggs have you possibly...
Loot Gaming is dishing up some of the coolest (and sharpest) weapons in video games this month, with November's BLADE theme, including an awesome item from The Elder Scrolls.
Now, there are of course way too many weapons to try and put on a list...
When you first see Shigeo Kageyama your eyes most likely pass right over him. He's not particularly memorable; with that mushroom cut and dull, lifeless eyes, Shigeo blends right into the background. Hence, the nickname Mob. Yet, Shigeo is the...
This past September, Loot Wear Looters welcomed the stylish INVADERS from across the pop culture-sphere!
Looters were THRILLED to play host to out-of-this-world apparel featuring Venom, Ghostbusters, Alien, The X-Files and Invader Zim!
The INSANITY of Soul Calibur VI's Create-A-Soul character creator is the stuff that video game social media eats right up! Anytime a new tweet with a new amazing creation comes up, I am a retweeting fiend! Check these videos and get these...
Over the weekend, Blizzard held their annual convention, BlizzCon, which focuses on the company's various titles and what exciting updates coming up for them. I had the pleasure of attending the event and getting to see and play some of these...
As long as you're not named Dee-Dee, you'll probably be welcome in Dexter's Laboratory. Since we're featuring Dexter's Laboratory in this November's Loot Wear, we wanted to go over some lesser known things about this awesome 90's cartoon! How much...
How about a literal blast from the past? The first Iron Man film is 10 YEARS OLD! Since we've got an awesome Iron Man item in this November's Loot Crate DX, I thought we'd have some fun with the first movie's behind-the-scenes featurette! Check out...
Awaken robots, mad scientists and more in this month’s Loot Crate DX #LABORATORY crate! DX Looters will experiment with epic pop culture collectibles and loot featuring Marvel, Batman, Jurassic Park, Breaking Bad and MORE!
Nothing screams...
This weekend in cinemas, The Nutcracker and the Four Realms opens... and while we've seen the franchise-ification of a lot of familiar tales in recent years, this one seems different.
Perhaps this is because The Nutcracker is so closely associated...
Loot Play is in full swing, and today we're happy to bring you an interview with none other than Fourattic, the incredible team behind this month's featured title, Crossing Souls! Fourattic is a small indie studio based out of Spain, and comprised...
Join us as we do our best to ensure that you are fully EDUCRATED, via our YouTube channel!
Educrated is a show that dives into some of the franchises we love and would love to share with you. Through fun facts, trivia, and employee...