June 8th, 2018This weekend sees the release of Ocean's Eight, a reboot of the heist franchise (itself a remake of a classic Rat Pack film from the 60's), this time featuring a stellar...
June 1st, 2018If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star....
May 25th, 2018Since we've got a healthy dose of Godzilla with Loot Crate this June, I thought we'd spend our Friday peeking over some rather outrageous Kaiju from the Godzilla...
May 18th, 2018We're ready to celebrate Deadpool 2 and nothing shows that love and hype quite like filling your house and covering yourself in rad DIY gear! Check out these five...
May 11th, 2018Of all the pop culture memories of our childhoods, the most treasured are often the ones which entertained as well as educated, expanding our horizons and our knowledge....
May 4th, 2018If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star....
April 27th, 2018If you’re a real pop culture nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the...
April 20th, 2018Whether it is a gritty tale of espionage or a more light-hearted tale of cat and mouse, there is no cooler genre of thriller than the spy genre. Which is why comedy...
April 13th, 2018If you're a movie or TV buff, you may have heard the term "MacGuffin" (alternately "McGuffin") quite a bit in discussions about your favorite titles over the years. It's...
April 6th, 2018Personally, I love making stuff that touches on the games and geekery that makes its way into not just my day-to-day life but my heart! With that in mind, I found five...
March 30th, 2018This week Star Wars: The Last Jedi hits DVD and BluRay at last, and for the last few weeks we've periodically gotten teases of what seems like a pretty spectacular...
March 23rd, 2018If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star....
March 16th, 2018What kid doesn't remember dumping a pile of LEGO on their floor and trying to recreate their favorite characters from cartoons, movies and games? We all did!
March 2nd, 2018Yes, indeed, it's Oscars weekend – that Super Bowl sized entertainment event that celebrity fans anticipate, but not all film geeks necessarily take that...
February 23rd, 2018As science fiction storytelling has evolved over time, the genre itself has grown by leaps and bounds on the big screen. And by that, we mean both the level of visual...
February 16th, 2018You've been waiting and waiting and it's finally time! Black Panther hits theatres this weekend and we wouldn't be surprised if, like us, you're looking at how many...
February 9th, 2018So Patty Jenkins' sequel to Wonder Woman is still the better part of two years away. (November 1, 2019 is its current release date if you want to jot it down.) That...
February 2nd, 2018If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star. Such...
January 26th, 2018There are movies that we love as children, sometimes based on books we treasured, that reach us in a particular way. But the most special of these films also manage to...