News archive
Feature: Worlds We Want to See in Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts is the perfect blend of Disney's charm and storytelling and Final Fantasy's gameplay and aesthetic. That's probably what attracts so many kinds of gamers (and non-gamers) to this series. With Kingdom Hearts III on the way, we've seen...
Gaming: Tips On Taking Down Ferocious Beasts in 'Monster Hunter World'
Being the avid gamer that I am, I have of course heard plenty about the Monster Hunter series. But it wasn't until the launch of Monster Hunter World that I decided to give monster hunting a shot. I have to tell you, I haven't been this...
Video Vault: Introducing Moira, Overwatch's Newest Hero!
Blizzcon 2017 was last week, and boy was it chock full of some amazing new things coming to Blizzard games - and one of the hottest additions is Overwatch's newest Hero, Moira! Now, I got to get my hands on Moira on the PTR (Public Test Region) on...
Loot Wear
Looter Love: Loot Wear 'Bob's Burgers' Leggings!
There are few things that bring people across the nation more elation than ANIMATION! July’s Loot Wear lineup gave Looters a must-needed wardrobe tune up. Or should we say toon up? Looters went FULL #ANIMATION domination with colorful apparel...
Event Coverage
Events: Long Beach Comic Con Heats Up This Weekend!
If you’re in need of something to do or just want even more to fill your weekend plans now that Game of Thrones is done for this season, head on down to Long Beach, California for this year’s Long Beach Comic Con! It's going to be a hot one in...
DIY: One Hobbit-Hole Door Ornament to Rule Them All
Lord of the Rings is unequivocally a cinematic masterpiece full of unforgettable characters, epic battle scenes and beautiful scenery. It truly submerged you into the wonderful world J.R.R. Tolkien created. I recall falling in love with The Shire...