December 22nd, 2021For the untrained and uninitiated, Cobra Kai is Netflix's television reboot of the classic Karate Kid franchise. The series shows the two rival characters of the first film—Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso—all grown up and mentoring the next generation in their own dojos. While the story originally began airing on YouTube...
December 7th, 2021Welcome back to another Educrated quiz! We're back from the Thanksgiving holiday to celebrate the next one, starting with a classic Christmas film. But for Home Alone trivia, we knew we'd need someone who could really stump us. We reached out to dope streamer and 90's fanatic Doodybeard to take up the task...and he absolutely decimated...
December 3rd, 2021Every year the holiday season rolls around. Then, every year the question of, "What's your favorite Christmas movie?" follows. Well, mine personally is Die Hard. Yes, I'm one of those people, BUT I do love me some Home Alone. Today, I'm going to tell you about a few ways this movie has instilled itself as a Christmas Classic by leaving...
June 27th, 2018Eyes up, Guardian! The hype with Destiny 2 was SO insane last year, that we just HAD to put together an ALL exclusive, one-time-only mystery crate, inspired by the Destiny universe!
Looters LOVED their Destiny 2 Limited Edition Loot Crates packed with exclusive Destiny gear and collectibles.
Check out what was inside this crate!...
May 31st, 2017*Play Ghostbusters theme song to enhance blog experience.*
“Who you gonna call?” If you don’t know the answer to this famous pop culture question, we’re not sure what rock you’ve been hiding under for the past 30 years.
To commemorate three decades of proton packs, free floating apparitions and of course, slime, we...
March 13th, 2017Psyched to become a Pathfinder? So is pretty much everyone at Loot Crate! I sat down with brand manager Wes Citti to talk about the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda Limited Edition Crate.
Q: Wes, you’re the Brand Manager for Loot Gaming and the Halo Legendary Crate. Can you explain what a Brand Manager does?
A: I can’t....