Hello everyone and welcome to a continuation of our “BEHIND THE CRATE” series where we show you (our super awesome looters) what it’s like behind the scenes here at Loot Crate. As promised, I am creating a new series of blogs where you get to know our team a little better. So today, we will be meeting yours truly, Jessika Wallace, Community and Social Media Manager over the anime vertical.(cue the applause) Jessika handles all things social media here at Loot Crate and a major player in the company! Let’s get to know her a little better! I’m so excited!!!
(BTW I got Reggie to interview me)
R: Reggie (anime brand manager) CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT REGGIE
J: Jessika (me)
R: So tell me your name and title here at Loot Crate.
J: Hello everybody! My name is Jessika and I am the community and social media manager over the anime/fantasy vertical here at the wonderful Loot Crate!
R: How long have you been with Loot Crate?
J: I have been with Loot Crate since November of 2019. So about a year and 6 months now.
R: What initially made you fall in love with anime?
J: This is a tough question. I grew up in the deep south where anime really isn’t much of a thing and people considered people like me (a weeb) very weird. I guess I always saw anime as a way out of my reality. A way for me to explore a whole new culture and language and at that age what felt like another universe which was really exciting to me. I initially fell in love with the community that anime creates. I went to my first anime convention in my hometown when I was 14 and never looked back. I remember seeing how happy and free everyone seemed. The community was so engaging and just happy to share a passion with one another. Also I remember watching Inuyasha very young and that was initially the anime that started my (healthy) obsession.

Kami-Con 2018
R: So why do you like working at Loot Crate?
J: I like working here at Loot Crate because I feel like it helps me have a voice in a large community to be able to share my experiences in order to encourage other people out there like me to go for their dreams! Also, I really love talking to the community that Loot Crate has created. So many passionate and dedicated people who really wanna talk to you about what makes them the happiest and that’s amazing to witness. I enjoy being able to talk to my fellow anime fans on a daily basis. I also really love the friends I have made here at the company!
R: What’s it like to be the social media/community manager?
J: It can be very demanding (in a good way). I am constantly on my toes for new information about the community and what’s happening in the industry on a daily basis. I love it though. The best part of the job is being on the forefront of the company and being able to witness how happy people are when they receive their crates.
R: What is your personal favorite anime?
J: I don’t think it’s actually possible to have one favorite anime because there are so many good ones out there. I will definitely say though I have always been a fan of the shoujo and josei universe so most of them revolve around that genre. SOME of my favorite anime are: Nana, Toradora, Horimiya, Inuyasha, Tokyo Ghoul, Fruits Basket and films like: Weathering with You, Wolf Children and A Silent Voice and anything Studio Ghibli. There are so many more that I can watch on a daily basis and not get tired of but these I would have to say are my top few.
R: What is some advice you would give to people who wanna work in this industry?
J: Don’t give up! The anime industry is very niche and can seem impossible to break into at first but if at first you don’t succeed try again! Also remember, that your passion will always shine through, so use that to your advantage.
R: What’s your favorite crate-line we offer?
J: Theres’ so many great ones but I am going to have to go with the Crunchyroll Crate! I do love our Hello Kitty and Loot Anime crate as well.
Have questions for Jessika you’re dying to ask? Make sure to reach out to use on TWITTER! As always thanks so much for reading our weekly blogs and get excited to meet the rest of the team! Next week you will get to learn a little more about a new face so make sure to mark on your calendars! Have a super ANIME-zing day!<3