I can fully admit that I have a problem... That's the first step, admitting it, right? And here's my problem: I get hyped so hard for video games with killer cinematic videos, especially ones that connect to my nostalgia-factor as expertly as...
If it's your first night, you've got to learn everything about Fight Club, one of our awesome franchises in the August MAYHEM Loot Wear! How much do you know about this incredible, cult classic Brad Pitt/Edward Norton film? No worries, we've got...
A dear friend of mine, Andrien Gbinigie has been featured on TDC before, but once he got into his cosplay game and started gaining traction online, it seemed like time for a follow-up. When he was featured on a segment at Comic-Con for The Jim...
If you’re a real movie nerd, chances are you get as excited when you see a supporting character with a familiar face as you do when one of your faves is the star. Let’s celebrate these heroes!…
Back in the early World Wide Web days, defunct...
Being around since 1986, Mario has made plenty of friends and even more enemies. Sadly, a lot of these characters have been washed away with time. Some have remained fan-favorites even after years (or decades) of absence! Let's pay our respects for...
Are you over this heat wave yet?! The dog days of August are enough to make anyone want to go a little bonkers from time to time, so you might as well do it with your earphones in to the tune of some sweet jams...
Our August MAYHEM-themed Spotify...
Loot Crate will be hosting an eight-hour-long Livestream event this Saturday, July 28th, from 12pm to 8pm, sponsored by the healthy lifestyle beverage FOCUSAID to raise money for an amazing charity organization called Gamers Outreach.
You can’t really reason with the forces of darkness or evil aliens (trust us on this). So less talk, more #PEWPEW!
May’s #PEWPEW Loot Gaming crate took aim with AWESOME collectibles and gear featuring Overwatch, Destiny 2 and...
There is definitely a history of actors who perform double duty in rock bands. (Oh hey, Keanu!) But in Jessica Pimentel's case, she's a triple threat: Actor, musician and internet DJ.
Television fans probably know Pimentel best from her role on...
It's incredible when you think about the talent that goes into EA and Bioware's Mass Effect series. Featuring some of the best talents in voice acting, we thought we'd compile some rad behind the scenes features that fans may have missed. Have a...
Everyone loves a good laugh, right? So does one of our favorite Batman villains, the infamous Joker! Since we've got some amazing DC love in the form of Gotham's finest in the August MAYHEM Crates, we thought we'd serve up some Trivia! How much do...
We've got some pretty fun stuff in the upcoming August MAYHEM Crate which has a rad Office Space EXCLUSIVE in it! To get everyone hyped, we found this Office Space retrospective featuring the creator, Mike Judge, talking the film! With interviews...
There were so many strange things we had around as kids whether it be toys or movies, but what about the snacks and cereals? Well, I found some nostalgic cereals that utterly baffled me. I mean, I ate them... but still. Check these out!
1. Crazy...
We're still coming to you from San Diego at Comic-Con International, and we're only on the second day! So many great cosplayers so far... AND YET...
As per usual, after just about a day and a half here at SDCC we've seen so many great cosplayers it...
We love us some Rick and Morty here at Loot Crate, which is why we're super excited to debut an EXCLUSIVE item at this year's San Diego Comic-Con! If you're coming to the con, be sure and carve out some time during your action-packed weekend to...
When I found out that Black Lagoon was part of our Loot Anime SQUAD crate this month, I must have squeed for a good ten minutes. This high octane, ass-kicking, definitely for mature audiences anime series was one of the few series I had to watch the...
Mario is arguably the biggest video gaming icon of all time. There's hardly a single person that doesn't know who Mario is. In battling Bowser since 1986, Mario's seen his fair share of crazy worlds, including some outside of his home in the...
They’re big. No, wait, huge. Scratch that. Massive? That’s not quite it either… Frankly, June’s Loot Crate characters were downright #COLOSSAL.
To celebrate some of the biggest and baddest characters and their earth-shaking awesomeness,...
It's morphin' time! Join Loot Crate in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers at San Diego Comic-Con! Stop by booth #241 and take a pic in our Power Rangers photo booth (presented by Mastercard) or beef up your...
We're huge fans of The Princess Bride, which most of you already know. What if you wanted to do some casual cosplay (Think Disneybound) with a couple of your favorite characters? I played around with some looks to toss together a simple yet fun...