What's up anime fans? Today I have decided to deep dive into some of the craziest anime conspiracy theories I have ever heard before. I'm sure some of you may have heard of these before, but if not, you're in...
Do YOU know what never changes?? Fallout trivia! Also war. These questions don't mess around, so I hope you have some points in Luck and Intelligence.
Don't forget to check out our Fallout crate for exclusive Fallout items every other...
Desolation and decay aren’t great... but they make for great video games! Take a trip into the DARKNESS with epic gaming gear from Dark Souls™, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Kingdom Hearts and more!
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the lifespan, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. They do this through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of...
IT IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR ANIME FANS! If you are already a weeb like myself , you know that there are 100+ new anime titles that pop up every year around this time. This time of the year is the best and worst for any anime fan. Why worst?...
Hey, you. You're finally awake. You think you know Skyrim quotes? Good luck getting all these right. Shor, Mara, Dibella, Kynareth, Akatosh. Divines help you.
Have you seen our Elder Scrolls crate? Each crate is curated based around a central...
Rad, you're here! Hope you've all been staying safe and keeping yourself entertained (inside). Music has been a LIFE SAVER for me, and I was so stoked for May's theme for Loot Crate, Loot Crate DX, and Loot Wear: '80s! This playlist is right up my...
Get ready to go ‘80s to the max with totally rad pop culture collectibles and gear from the best decade ever, featuring Wonder Woman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gremlins and more!
‘80s ENDS 5/19 AT 9PM PT!
Celebrate the...
Aw Jeez! You're done already? I hope you are satisfied! Whether you ended up more like Rick or Morty you are still Amazing to us! Just because you clicked on this quiz shows you are a big Rick and Morty fan and that says a lot about you (in a...
Listen, I'm a simple man. I love Bob Ross and I love GIFs. To celebrate the release of the Bob Ross Happy Little Crate, I'm here to bring you my favorite Bob Ross GIFs. You're welcome.
I had to start with a classic. I will never get tired of...
Look. Don't judge me. I've sank over 250 hours into Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I'm not proud about it.
Actually I am, to heck with the haters!
This game has single-handedly pulled me through this quarantine. Best part, though?...
Easter is here, and as we all settle in for another Sunday of movies after opening our baskets from the Easter Bunny (he's still coming this year, right?) we thought it would be groovy to share some fun Easter Eggs found in our favorite fandom...
WHAT IS UP ANIME LOVERS. I have assumed you clicked on this blog because you cannot wait to learn how to cook Hanasaku Iroha's omurice! I don't blame you, in fact you are in for a tasty and delicious treat! OKAY before we start this eggciting...
Happy Easter! In honor of the holiday, we're going to look at some of my all-time favorite video game easter eggs, plus one hidden gem that wasn't ever supposed to be found. ?
Disco Party
Crysis 2 isn't the game that first comes to mind...
In honor of World Autism Month this April, Loot Crate is proud to announce a Loot Launcher exclusive Sensory Crate Supporting Autism Speaks filled with high-sensory toys and accessories designed with children on the autism spectrum in mind, with...
Phew! Grab your sunscreen and a frosty Nuka-Cola, ‘cause it’s another SCORCHER in the Wasteland! Catch some rays and feel that solar radiation sizzle with exclusive fun-in-the-sun Fallout collectibles and gear!
So as you all have probably heard by now (if you are a true weeb), Crunchyroll has started making their own originals series! Crunchyroll is the first anime streaming service to have its own internal animation studio. The company announced...
Every year April Fools walks a fine line between a fun day for goofs and a malicious day for hurtful lies. Some of the so-called "PRANKS" that I'm going to bring up today are truly cruel, mostly because I want them to be real.
Zelda Art...