March 10th, 2021Happy MAR10 Day everyone! Today is a great day to play your favorite Super Mario game. I will definitely be playing Super Mario Sunshine on the Switch later today to celebrate.
Here is a chill/fun/epic playlist inspired by the sounds of the Super Mario games for you to enjoy!
Are you a fan of retro gaming? Take this quiz to test your knowledge of video game history and important debuts. We challenge you not to Google any of these answers.
Ready, set, go!
We're fans of retro gaming here at Loot Crate, too. Check out this month's "BEST OF" crate that includes...
March 11th, 2020With the release of New Horizons right around the corner, I wanted to prepare in the only way I know how. COOKIES. I wanted them to look like the iconic green leaf with the bite out of it with a cute, simple white frosting outline. Easy, right? That's what I thought.
I picked sugar cookies because they're simple, but MORE...
January 8th, 2020Who wants to talk to their family when INSTEAD you could break their spirit under the guise of casual gameplay? A great time for all! I've compiled a list of my favorite family games and ordered them from least to most soul-crushing.
5) Just Dance
Just Dance had to be first on this list. It's a motion-based dancing game for 1...
December 18th, 2019At this point, everyone knows the concept of Pokémon is a LITTLE messed up. Let's be real, we're trapping wild animals and making them fight each other until one passes out. Not great.
But STILL. It's surprising how dark some of the Pokédex entries can get. Like... You alright, Pokémon writers? Who hurt you?
"Each of...
December 4th, 2019It's that time of year again! You know, the time that you think, "Oh I should start gift-shopping," and then you forget for a couple weeks and absolutely panic on the 24th. But THIS year, it's gonna be different. I've made a whole list of gift ideas to make it easy for you.
And don't worry, I checked it twice.
Swannies Blue...
August 8th, 2019Join us as we do our best to ensure that you are fully EDUCRATED, via our YouTube channel!
Educrated is a show that dives into some of the franchises we love and would love to share with you. Through fun facts, trivia, and employee interaction, today we’ll show you why we’re nothing but a bunch of big kids around here: It’s...
August 6th, 2019I know we've talked The Legend of Zelda quite a few times before here, but it's such a classic! Here's a grip of new trivia about one of the all-time best video game series! You let me know how many you know...
1. There is only one Legend of Zelda game that allows you access to all corners of the map in an playable means from the start...
July 22nd, 2019One of the first things I did when I could on the Internet was learn more about some of the lesser known titles that Japan kept their hands on and we never saw over here. Games like Bahamut Lagoon, Violinist of Hameln and my favorite - Famicom Tantei Club! We never got this mystery text-based game over here, so let me tell you about...
July 18th, 2019Fire Emblem: Three Houses releases on July 26, which is just around the corner! In the game, you will have to choose which house of students you will teach at the Officer's Academy: The Black Eagles, The Blue Lions, or The Golden Deer.
A good chunk of the interweb's citizens already have their house of choice selected (I'm definitely...
June 27th, 2019Searching for that perfect summer getaway, but you're low on the cashflow? Have I got the perfect budgeted vacation plans for you!
My name is Tyler and I'll be your fictional vacation planner, your guide, your social director, and dance instructor for the rest of the summer (oh boy!) and I'm so excited to tell you about the amazing...
June 20th, 2019Just last week, Nintendo surprised us with the reveal of a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. If you haven't seen it yet, watch this video before reading! (Also, where the heck have you been?)
What in the name of Hylia is even happening in this trailer? Well, that's why...
June 17th, 2019Another year, another explosion of hype from E3 announcements! This was my fifth E3, and honestly, it was probably the best one I've ever had.
Even with the lack of Sony's presence, everyone killed it with their bombshell announcements and stunning show floor demos and displays. I personally only had the pleasure of attending...
June 14th, 2019E3 has come and gone, and boy oh boy it did not disappoint!
We're nearly halfway through 2019, and it's been one hell of a year so far for gamers everywhere, and this year only got better for us with E3's showing this year. I came into the show feeling a bit skeptical, seeing big names like Sony and Activision not be involved as they...
June 5th, 2019The Electronic Entertainment Expo has been a yearly (mostly) event since video games hit the mainstream. With this comes mini-conferences from the biggest in the gaming industry and we all tune in and attend with no question. Sometimes, well, it can get interesting.
I included a video of some pretty notable moments as finding clips...
May 17th, 2019Nintendo's 2019 line-up is getting stronger with ever new announcement they make, and Super Mario Maker 2 is arguably one of their most ambitious projects this year.
For those of you who've never played the original Super Mario Maker for the Wii U (you ought to be ashamed of yourselves), it's basically Nintendo's first game in the...
May 2nd, 2019Super Smash Bros. Ultimate just released Patch 3.0.0 recently, which included Joker as the first character from the Fighter Pass, as well as the grand return of Stage Builder!
Stage Builder has been a staple in the series since Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii, but this iteration lets creators share their masterpieces with the...
March 29th, 2019To top off Nintendo's Indie showcase last week, we got a special treat! Brace yourself Games, the devs behind the Indie hit, Crypt of the NecroDancer, are working on a new game with a similar feel, but partnering with one of the greatest Nintendo franchises of all...
February 28th, 2019Banjo-Kazooie is one of those franchises that was a household name back over a decade ago, and with two huge hits on the Nintendo 64, that was rightfully earned.
I used to play the heck out of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie back in my wee adolescence days. I was 100% petrified of Gruntilda the witch, but the fear was always overshadowed...
February 14th, 2019Being the HUGE Nintendo junkie I am, how can I NOT write about the amazing new announcements made in yesterday's Nintendo Direct? ...Or as Josh Ball said as we fought over who would write this: "Me me me, I'm Tyler and I like Nintendo stuff! WE GET IT."
There are tons of new games coming to the Nintendo Switch this year, and we're...